Summer just started and we are already talking about back to school?? But, WHY?
There are vaccine requirements in Washington in order for kids to go back to school in September. The laws in Washington will not allow kids to attend school without being up to date on vaccines or an exemption form on file.
New rules have also gone into effect that require 4 year olds attending preschool to be up to date with their DTaP, Polio, MMR, and Varicella boosters.
Don't wait until the end of August or beginning of September to schedule that appointment! Clinics get very booked up right before school and you may not be able to get an appointment before school starts.
You will need to schedule an appointment with Dr. Brandy in order to get an exemption form. She cannot sign off without having a visit with you! Requests for vaccine exemption forms made through the portal will be asked to schedule. Hang onto that form as it DOES NOT EXPIRE unless the DOH revises the form or there is a new vaccine due.
With that said, enjoy your summer and we'll see you soon!
Here is a link to the WA vaccine requirements and the rules around them: https://doh.wa.gov/community-and-environment/schools/immunization#37458